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Tai Gu Tales Dance Theatre   


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Wu Tsai-Lin: solo dancer. Five aspects and multiple presentations. Decipher the Meta of Mother Earth as we step into the centre of the universe. To confine resurrection and destruction, to love and hate, of human nature. Wu Tsai-Lin was born in Taiwan and grew up in a performance art family. Her father was a Peking Opera actor and founder of Contemporary Legend Theatre Company. Her mother was founder of the Tai Gu Tales Dance Theatre Company. Her parents influenced her interest in dance and as a second generation new-born dancer, this is Tsai-Lin's solo dance.


About Tai Gu Tales Dance Theatre

The Tai Gu Tales Dance Theatre was found and established in Taipei, Taiwan in 1988 by Hsiu-wei Lin, the choreographer, dancer, producer and artistic director.  The character “ Tai ‘’ defines the chaotic beginning of the world without boundaries.  The character “ Gu ” defines history, the eternity of time transmitted from generation to generation. The character “ Ta ” defines action or the rhythm of a dynamic ceremonial dance. The Company has twelve dances. All the female dancers have received modern dance training, while the male dancers were Chinese opera actors.  All the dancers have received three stages of special training from Hsiu-wei Lin.


The first stage, the “ babies of the universe ” referred by Ms. Lin, uses soft, organic and meditative movements. The second stages tries to capture and imitate animal movements with expansion and explosion. The third stage aims to search the being with techniques of concentration and relaxation. In searching and exploring a pure and original dance style, Lin tried to achieve a unity of from her inner spirit.




Le Figaro: “ Besides Pina Bausch and Robert Wilson, we got to see some new and charming things with Tai Gu. ”


The Europe Journal: “ The sheer force of the dancing was such that the audience could feel it in their gut. A solid performance that came from the heart. ”


Le Figaro: “ The dancers were unbelievably lithe and resilient! Dancer Lin Hsiu-wei had a charm all her own. ”


La Marseillaise: “ The quest of man for himself, a foretaste of happiness, the choreography holds on to these deep internal feelings through high tension and fluidity. ”


La Marseillse: “ Ah! Life! What spiritual beauty! The audience was deeply toughed.  The applause just wouldn't stop! ”


Var Matin; “ A superb closing of the festival, highly applauded…the images are of great beauty…a feeling of accomplished tranquility…of great serenity…”


Var Martin: “ A search for the essence of life, a transcendence of suffering, a blending of East and West; and individualized meditation. At the end of the performance the audience was on its feet cheering! ”


John Mare Aldoph, Paris Dance reviewer for the German publication Ballet International: “ Completely different form what is happening in Japanese dancing. I felt an inexpressible spiritual force emanating from this dance. ”


Hamburger Abendlatt: “ This dance holds very impressive body pictures and an indecisive body language.  With its precise and artistic style, this performance is one of the most impressive of the festival.”

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